Our top 5 dog toys

We have 3 dogs, however only one of them seems to be attached to his toys! Rookie is our 3 year old toy Aussiedoodle! Super smart and super energetic! While he is excellent at taking out all of his toys and scattering them around the house, he certainly has his favorites that seem to keep him occupied longer. Here are his current top 5 dog toys!

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Real Skinz Hyper Pet

This toy has scared me more than once! Looks a little too real first thing in the morning! The dog absolutely loves this. My only complaint is the squeaker! So definitely know that ahead of time before buying. It is not a quiet toy, but one that keeps Rookie happy! We went with the opossum but they do have other animals as well.

Real Skinz Opossum available here

Nylabone has tons of options and I think Rookie would like all of them! We probably have 3 that he chews on at the moment. (If we really search I bet we would find a couple under the couches!)

See Nylabone toys here

Toy Lambchop

We like to call this one Lamby! I would say this is Rookie’s emotional support toy! He has loved this little guy right from his puppy days. We may have to replace him soon because he is looking a bit rough these days! They also make this lamb chop toy for different Holidays and even have a birthday lamby!

Toy Lambchop in different sizes

I am pretty sure we had bought this for our bigger dog, but Rookie made it his! I can’t say if it would have held up as well for the bigger dog, but it has been perfect for Rookie! He doesn’t exactly look like a cute and fluffy rabbit, but that doesn’t seem to stop Rookie from playing with him all day!

Tuffy Brown Rabbit

Really Rookie’s favorite thing to do is play fetch! We can throw any ball and he will try to catch it. If he can’t with his mouth, then he tries with his paws! He will literally try to catch anything! they do have a launcher you can get, but we usually just “chuck it” ourselves.

Chuckit balls with bucket


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